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death is the mother of beauty   and what is beauty? terror

membru din 17 May 2019

and what is beauty? terror

                     ☾1̤4̤ᵀ̤ᴴ̤o̤f̤D̤e̤c̤❜̤2̤0̤☽ ♥ Ṛạṇḍọṃ ̣C̣ḥạḷḷẹṇg̣ẹ 2
          ❝It❜s a very Greek idea, and a very profound one. Beauty is terror. Whatever we call beautiful,
         we quiver before it. And what could be more terrifying and beautiful, to souls like the Greeks or our own,
         than to lose control completely? To throw off the chains of being for an instant, to shatter the accident
            of our mortal selves? Euripides speaks of the Maenads: head thrown I back, throat to the stars,
             "more like deer than human being." To be absolutely free! One is quite capable, of course, of working
           out these destructive passions in more vulgar and less efficient ways. But how glorious to release them in a
         single burst! To sing, to scream, to dance barefoot in the woods in the dead of night, with no more awareness of
    mortality than an animal! These are powerful mysteries. The bellowing of bulls. Springs of honey bubbling from the ground.
      If we are strong enough in our souls we can rip away the veil and look that naked, terrible beauty right in the face;
               let God consume us, devour us, unstring our bones. Then spit us out reborn.❞
                         The Secret ℋistory ♥ Donna Tartt
                  「 open.spotify.com/playlist/6y0d6P8HM60Ll90fZ71auj
 26.12 ·♡ 513ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝champion❞ · neoni, burnboy.
 26.12 ·♡ 513ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝champion❞ · neoni, burnboy.
 27.12 ·♡ 514ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝mars❞ · yungblud.
 27.12 ·♡ 514ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝mars❞ · yungblud.
 28.12 ·♡ 515ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝lavinia❞ · the veils.
 28.12 ·♡ 515ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝lavinia❞ · the veils.
 29.12 ·♡ 516ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝riot❞ · hollywood undead.
 29.12 ·♡ 516ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝riot❞ · hollywood undead.
 30.12 ·♡ 517ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝to the fire❞ · dreamers.
 30.12 ·♡ 517ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝to the fire❞ · dreamers.
 31.12 ·♡ 518ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝cursed❞ · aviva.
 31.12 ·♡ 518ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝cursed❞ · aviva.
 01.01 ·♡ 519ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝tonight again❞ · guy sebastian.
 01.01 ·♡ 519ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝tonight again❞ · guy sebastian.
 02.01 ·♡ 520ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝nihilist blues❞ · bring me the horizon, grimes.
 02.01 ·♡ 520ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝nihilist blues❞ · bring me the horizon, grimes.
 03.01 ·♡ 521ˢᵗ ℸrack · ❝burn❞ · brother sundance.
 03.01 ·♡ 521ˢᵗ ℸrack · ❝burn❞ · brother sundance.
 04.01 ·♡ 522ᶰᵈ ℸrack · ❝she’s not there❞ · yonaka.
 04.01 ·♡ 522ᶰᵈ ℸrack · ❝she’s not there❞ · yonaka.
 05.01 ·♡ 523ʳᵈ ℸrack · ❝live in the moment❞ · portugal. the man.
 05.01 ·♡ 523ʳᵈ ℸrack · ❝live in the moment❞ · portugal. the man.
 06.01 ·♡ 524ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝one day at a time❞ · unsecret, tim halperin.
 06.01 ·♡ 524ᵗʰ ℸrack · ❝one day at a time❞ · unsecret, tim halperin.

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citatul!!!!!! i love it sm
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